National Supported Internship Day!
Monday 27 March
Today is #NationalSupportedInternshipDay!
Did you know only 4.8% of people in England with a learning disability and/or autism go on to secure paid employment.
We need to change this and that’s why we’re calling on YOU to support young disabled people into employment by becoming a supported internship provider.
Supported Internships are a work-based study programme for 16 to 24 years old with SEND and can help kickstart a young person’s career and put them on the path to employment.
That’s why DFNProjectSEARCH have launched National Supported Internship Day (NSID) to raise awareness of the impact of supported internships can have on the lives of young people. DFN Project SEARCH’s supported internships have seen up to 70% of their graduates gain paid employment, and it’s not just the interns who benefit but wider society benefits from a diverse talent pool.
Find out how to get involved here: