Life at Rotherham Opportunities College

We want every student who studies at Rotherham Opportunities College to enjoy the time they spend here.
Enrichment is a chance for our students to socialise with their peers from other pathways, make new friends and take part in lots of different activities.
The choices change every half term and student council representatives can also propose different activities.

Examples of activities that students have experienced through our enrichment programme include:
- Sports
- Drama
- Outdoor activities
- Swimming
Volunteering is something that many of our students enjoy. It helps to give them a true sense of citizenship and community involvement as well as lots of amazing experiences where they can use the skills learned in college. Spending time in the community helps our young people build confidence and see how they can make a big difference to their lives.
The Fun Stuff!

Sports Day offers a chance for students to compete against other colleges and have a day filled with lots of different activities including relay races, egg and spoon race and even footgolf.
Last year our students enjoyed a residential to Kingswood Outdoor Activity Centre. Some of our students stayed for two nights, whilst others joined us for the day.
We like to end the year in style and no college year would be complete without a special evening of celebration to mark the end of term. Our Prom is an event which our students look forward to for many weeks and is a great source of excitement in college. The event is completely free for students to attend and we are supported by a number of local businesses who generously donate suits and dresses.