Anti-Bullying policy

We want college to be a safe place and happy place for everyone.

We don’t want anyone to feel sad here.

Sometimes people can say things to make other people sad.

Sometimes people can hurt others.

Sometimes people can touch and get too close to others when they don’t want them to.

Sometimes people can do or say things in real life, or online in text messages or other social media.

This behaviour is NOT acceptable.

If you feel this is happening to you, tell a member of college staff.

The principal will decide if the person upsetting you has done anything wrong.

The person who has upset you might be asked to say sorry.

The other person should change their behaviour.

Sometimes the principal may need to talk to other people to decide what to do.

We must ALWAYS be kind and caring to other people.

The college directors will make sure the principal stops any bullying at college.