Welcome to Rotherham Opportunities College
Bespoke learning experiences.
A tailored curriculum.
Skills to prepare our young people for adulthood.
Memories created that will last a lifetime.
Rotherham Opportunities College doesn’t just teach students…
We empower them.
Every student who studies at Rotherham Opportunities College benefits from a unique curriculum, tailored to match their unique learning needs, as they prepare to live as independently as possible in adulthood.
News from Rotherham Opportunities College:
ROCking on the radio!
Students broadcast live on a local Rotherham radio station, RedRoad FM, to discuss all things…
ROC Students set to navigate new horizons
Students from Rotherham Opportunities College are set to enjoy greater independence thanks to a special…
Fleece Navidad!
Our students have been working hard to ensure no-one visiting Rotherham Hospital goes cold this…
Term dates 2024/25
Term dates for the 2024/25 academic year.
Students celebrate!
ROC Students end the college year in style, thanks to the generosity of local businesses
Inspirational role model Rhys
Rhys gains recognition at the Rotherham Supported Internship of the Year awards