Therapies at Rotherham Opportunities College
Our curriculum is complemented by a range of integrated therapies where personalised strategies are used to support the individual needs, both short and long-term, of students.
The therapy team at ROC includes:
- Speech and Language Therapist (SaLT)
- Occupational Therapist (OT)
- Physiotherapist
- Counsellor
- Art Therapist
- Music Therapist
In addition to these therapists, ROC also has a dedicated Therapy Co-ordinator who organises and supports the delivery of a five-day therapy programme for students, where needed. Our Therapy Co-ordinator develops strategies for our students, helping to identify which therapy activities can be used to improve their physical and emotional wellbeing.
Progress is monitored and reviewed, with targets used to track each student’s progress.
How our therapies work
Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT)
Supports students to develop communication skills. Speech and language therapy takes place in individual sessions and group work where students can practice social and communication skills.
Occupational Therapy (OT)
Provides students with support for everyday life activities such as personal care, household activities and accessing the community.
Helps to restore movement and support students to be physically more comfortable which makes learning easier by reducing pain.
Music Intervention
Promotes wellbeing and relaxation through listening to music, writing songs, music making, singing and dancing.
Art Intervention
Helps students use art to relax and enjoy the creative process using techniques such as drawing, painting, collage, colouring and sculpting.
Counselling is a talking therapy where the therapist listens to the student and helps them find ways to deal with issues and problems.
Student Experiences of Therapies
“When I first started physio, I was working on stand to sit and starting to learn how to go up and down stairs. Now ten months later, I am a pro at doing stand to sits independently which has improved my ability to get in out of chairs as well as getting on and off roller coasters”!
“With my OT at ROC we’re working on creating some great strategies together so I can manage my sensory needs and stay regulated for longer. The OT has also helped me find out about different equipment that has allowed me to be calmer and more independent. For example, we have started going out in the community, travel training and developing my life skills”.
Pastoral support
Pastoral Team
Everyone at ROC wants every student to enjoy their time at college. We understand that students may experience occasional or on-going difficulties. For this reason, ROC has a very strong Pastoral team led by a Pastoral Manager who monitors and supervises the work of the Pastoral Leads. Each pathway has a Pastoral Lead who is a key point of contact for students to raise any concerns they may have such as friendships, well-being, college work, attendance etc. The Pastoral Team can help signpost students to external support, if appropriate.