Connecting Pathway at Rotherham Opportunities College
The aim of the Connecting pathway is to raise student’s personal aspirations. Students within this pathway will work at Entry L1 and beyond, some students may have barriers to learning that have prevented them from managing more mainstream settings. This pathway is all about stabilising and building confidence through a combination of classroom and community activities.
This pathway is designed to take a gentle approach towards raising student’s awareness to the world of work or the potential for further education once a student has settled and worked on their confidence. There is a strong emphasis on developing social and emotional resilience.
Students will develop employability skills through taught classroom sessions, research opportunities for future work experience and citizenship projects whilst accessing English, Maths, ICT and independence skills, home and community. Students will have opportunities to get involved in crafts, sports and enrichment activities.
A skilful approach to tutoring and classroom support is taken to support students explore their feelings and to develop personal strategies to build confidence and work towards personal targets as a transition into adulthood and the world of work.
Progress is measured through personal targets, non-accredited recognition of learning and some students will work towards AIM unit qualifications.
Students will learn strategies to feel confident and manage their own feelings and emotions.
Students will develop a degree of independence through planned activities, independent living and group involvement in citizenship activities.
Students will be supported to develop strategies to manage personal challenges and barriers to learning.
Students will make their first steps into the world of work and its expectations