Admissions Policy

1. Introduction

Rotherham Opportunities College is an independent specialist college. Our mission is to provide outstanding specialist education for young people with a range of learning disabilities, autism and communication difficulties.

It is the aim of Rotherham Opportunities College to deliver an educational offer that is tailored to fully meet the holistic needs of each individual student who successfully gains a place at Rotherham Opportunities College.

Rotherham Opportunities College has an inclusive admissions approach to meeting needs of individuals wishing to further their education with the college. The college is fully committed to equality, diversity and inclusion of all students and staff.

The purpose of the college is to provide the steppingstones to support students gain independence, and for many students, employment through work experience placement and supported internships.

The college provides a holistic curriculum based around the Preparation for Adulthood themes of:

  • Healthy Lifestyles (Body and Mind)
  • Employability
  • Independent Living (Home and Community)
  • Community Inclusion

Discrete maths and English sessions will also form the basis of their study   programmes. Personal and Social Development (PSD) will also be taught to all students.

The approach of Rotherham Opportunities College towards allocating places involves ascertaining an applicant’s individual needs and aspirations to ensure that we can provide the best educational service to meet the student’s requirements and match them appropriately to our study programmes.

2.  Admissions Criteria

Rotherham Opportunities College will admit young people aged 16-25 with an EHC plan who have a learning disability, physical disability, mental health difficulties and/or autism.

Places are usually taken up at the start of the academic year but places may be accessed at any time of the year where space is available and depending upon the application and needs of the young person and other students.

3. Initial Enquiries and Referrals

Initial enquiries and referrals are accepted from individuals as well as from the local authority.

An appointment will be made for the young person, parents or carers to visit the college.

The young person and parents/carers will complete an application form if they decide the college is a suitable option. This should be discussed as part of the young person’s Annual Review.

Parents/carers should make their local authority aware that they wish Rotherham Opportunities College to be consulted in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice.

4. Referrals Process

Referrals can be made in two ways, either as a self-referral or a referral through the local authority.

All referrals must be accompanied by the young person’s current EHCP, the most recent Annual Review and up to date professionals reports where appropriate.

Any referral must be accompanied by the college application form.

Once a referral has been received, a member of staff will liaise with the student’s current educational provision, parents/carers and the young person to identify whether the college would be a suitable placement.

If deemed necessary, a placement assessment will be conducted by a member of college staff and will take place at the young person’s current placement or at their home. This assessment is based purely on the knowledge of the young person by people who know them well and will include the views of the young person.

As part of the assessment process, taster days will also be used to make an informed decision about placement suitability.

The admissions panel, consisting of senior leaders, therapists and pastoral staff will meet to discuss the assessment information and whether it is felt the college can meet the identified needs of the young person.

Any agreement stating that needs can be met, is done so in principle pending a full assessment of the young person. 

5. Preparation for College

Once the placement has been confirmed, a transition process will be agreed. This will take place predominantly in the summer term prior to a student starting at the college. However, in-year referrals can be facilitated if the college has adequate capacity.

A welcome pack will be sent out to the young person or their parents/carers detailing the transition plan and all relevant contact details/forms/consents.

An induction programme will take place during the first two weeks of the young person starting their course.

6. Initial Assessment Review

An initial assessment review will take place during the first half term of the placement. This will be an informal meeting to discuss how the young person has settled into college.

A statutory annual review will take place in the spring term of the young person’s first year at the college.

7. Placement Refusal

Rotherham Opportunities College reserves the right to not offer a place where we believe that we cannot meet the needs of an individual young person based on current information presented in the EHCP and other documentations and/or as part of our assessment process.

Rotherham Opportunities College also reserves the right to refuse or delay entry to the college on grounds of operational capacity.

If parents/carers are not happy with the decision of the local authority to not agree a place at ROC they can request support from SENDIAS(S), depending on the young person’s funding authority:

8. Placement Review

In the event Rotherham Opportunities College determines that it can no longer meet the needs of a young person, a placement review will be called to discuss the reasoning for this and potential options going forward.

If a young person ceases to engage with the college and is therefore no longer making progress, the college will take all necessary steps to support the young person to re-engage. If the young person is still not engaged after an agreed period of time, then an annual review will be called.

If the behaviours of a young person are having an adverse effect on their learning or the learning and welfare of others, and after all reasonable behavioural support has been put in place, a placement review will be called. The college SLT reserve the right to temporarily suspend any young person where their behaviours are adversely affecting the learning or welfare of others, pending a placement review meeting.

If after exploring all reasonable options, the behaviour of any young person continues to put at risk the learning or welfare of themselves or others the college reserves the right to review the placement at an annual review with termination as a possible outcome.

In the event where it is identified that for specific reasons a young person requires additional funding for the placement to continue, any agreed action plan will not be put in place until this funding has been agreed by the responsible local authority.

9. Appeals Process

Any student, parent/carer of an unsuccessful applicant wishing to appeal against a placement not being granted at Rotherham Opportunities College must do so in writing to the Clerk to the Governing Board. The Board will review the decision including documentation and inform relevant people of the outcome. The decision of the Governing Board is final.

Any refusal by the local authority to place a young person with the college who wishes to attend Rotherham Opportunities College, must be taken up using the relevant local authority appeals process.